To add a little more skip into that step, we've provided our favourite tips for enhancing your virtual dance experience and conquering zoom fatigue.
1) Switch It Up
Doing the same thing every week can get a little boring. Try something new and stream your classes from a different device. Have you ever wondered what you look like dancing on TV? Use an HDMI cord or screen mirroring to expand your screen and feel closer to your classmates and teacher.
2) Boost That Sound
Believe it or not: sound can effect your mood. Louder sounds are typically linked to positive emotions, such as feeling happy, energized, and more alive. Bring back that exciting feeling you felt when you were dancing in the studio and amplify your zoom sound. Try it out by connecting your device to a TV or to a bluetooth speaker.
3) Get Creative
A change in scenery can help boost your well-being and mood. Get creative and give your dance space a face lift. Try putting LED lights around the room, hang dance posters on the wall, and install a full body mirror. The lights will help brighten the space, the posters will add motivation, and the full body mirror will help you better apply your corrections. To make your space even more unique, purchase LED lights that change colours!
4) Normalize The Dance Space
Let's take tip #3 a step further. Have you ever had a dance photoshoot? Dim the room and turn on your LED lights to set the mood. Ask a parent to take some pictures and have fun showing off your favourite dance poses. From now on, your space is no longer a temporary studio but also a spot you can associate with all the fun memories you had getting your photo taken.
5) Invite A Friend
It's a natural human tendency to get a burst of excitement when seeing someone new. Build your motivation to attend dance classes by inviting one of your friends! They can sign up for a Free Trial Class. Not only will this boost your own mood but also the mood of your friend.

Do you have any tips that we didn't already share? Post them in the comments for other dancers to read!